No More Secret – Audio Visual

Whose Life Is It Anyway? is a 1981 film which won critical acclaim for its sensitive potrayal of Ken, its central character, paralysed,and only able to talk, who wanted the right to die. Though not similarly challenged, Parul Mistri had her own challenge to live life on her terms.She was born with a defective bladder rendering a total loss of control over discharge of body waste. Loss of natural control can be mind numbing and have an adverse affect on a patient’s psyche.

Imagine then someone who had this birth defect and who lived through her school days putting up with all the barbs &  teasing which many a times become insensitively cruel. There was no one outside of her family who knew the truth or even tried find out why.

It was only after her Ostomy that she got relief from the troubles which had been with her since birth. However, even as she started living with her urostomy bag, one more anxiety affected her as she felt she was not normal due to her secret bag, a fact she hid from one & all. She became a typical closet ostomate.

No More Secrets is the story of a braveheart ostomate Parul Mistri, who after 33 years, decided to come clean and treat her ostomy as any other normal wound and join the mainstream.

This is a unique coming-of-age of an ostomate overcoming all odds to share her story of her secret bag with her friends and later the world, showing there is no stigma, no shame in sharing her secret, its as normal as..

Going out with a fractured hand in a sling !

The 24 min.documentary was premiered at TMH on 15th Jan.2018.

It has been sensitively potrayed and the direction by Anisha Vijayan is top class and the audience, despite having an idea of the movie, still remained glued to the screen, the direction grabbed eyeballs and the tempo was  maintained throughout.

Braveheart Parul is a natural in front of the camera.