
Stoma Meet in association with Tata Memorial Hospital, (ACTREC), Kharghar

Meeting The People's Representatives

A local and son of a textile mill worker, Kalidas Kolambkar has time and again held the Wadala constituency, in south central Mumbai, making it a fortress. A five-time MLA, he is looked upon as the 'people's man' in the area, representing it since 1990.
When Shri Shekarbhai Thakur, Hon.Sec. OAI, requested for a meeting, Shri.Kolambkar took time off from his busy schedule to visit OAI office on 14-Aug-2017.
The Office bearer’s led by Shri.Uday Kerwar, Hon.Chairman, OAI, Shri Shekharbhai Thakur, Hon.Sec. and Shri D.Pandit, Dy.Chairman, OAI alongwith all staff members of OAI welcomed Shri Kolamkar.
Shri Kerwar & Shri Thakur requested Shri Kolambkar’s help in securing access to Ostomy patients of Govt. Hospitals so that OAI can help in free pre & post op.counselling, free ET counselling and offer to supply Ostomy appliances at cost price. Going forward, OAI would like to conduct free camps in these hospitals for all ostomy patients so that the vision of the founders of OAI could be given shape.
Shri Kolambkar was very positive and agreed to use his good offices to help serve Ostomates, especially the poor & needy.
Though the OAI was formed in 1975, it took decades for it to come close to the vision shared by its founders to educate, support & rehabilitate patients across the Indian subcontinent. There is no looking back now

Annual General Meeting

Date : 13-Aug-2017

Time : 10 AM onwards

Location : R.D.Choksey Auditorium,  Tata Memorial Hospital, Parel, Mumbai


  1. To condole the death of members since 1st April,2016 to 31st March,2017.
  2. Welcome address by Hon.Chairman
  3. To read and confirm the minutes of the previous AGM held on 21st May,2016.
  4. Presentation of Executive Committee Report. And reply to queries received in writing by Hon.Secretary.
  5. To present and adopt the Income & Expenditure Accounts for the year ended 31st March,2017.
  6. To appoint statutory Auditors for the financial year 2017-2018 and fix their remuneration.
  7. Way forward for OAI –snippets of work done & road map by Hon.treasurer
  8. Approval of AGM for giving Free Material to poor and needy members for the year 2017-2018.
  9. Approval of AGM for Rs.1,25,000/- Free material special sanction given by OAI Executive Committee from the period 21st June,2017 to till the date of AGM.
  10. Presentation, Lecture by E T,Stoma Clinic  of Tata Memorial Hospital.
  11. Vote of thanks.
  12. National Anthem.

Chairman's Address

We are all Ostomates, bound together by a common thread of disease. In the 50 days since my elevation as chairman, I have noted with great pride that OAI, with all its turbulent history over last few years, has actually contributed to the welfare and well being of its members and has enhanced their quality of life.

There was  strife, politics last time around, its still there, and has been there for quite some time now, but despite everything, OAI has functioned as normally as possible and it has made a difference in the lives of the member ostomates.

Though the OAI was formed in 1975, it took decades for it to come close to the vision shared by its founders to educate, support & rehabilitate patients across the Indian subcontinent.  

Totally volunteer driven by true Ostomates, OAI is heavily dependent on donations from Donors, Volunteers & patients.  We do not receive any Govt grant or support.

However, we are taking a few initiatives to make ourselves more visible in the world of medicine.

We have applied to the Govt.of Mah. to exempt  Ostomy products from GST and are happy to inform you that our letter has been recommended by Govt.of Maharashtra to the GST council in New Delhi. In the slides that follow, you can see our mail to Shri Arun Jetleyji, Shekarbhai’s handing over of its copy to Shri.Mungantiwar and letter of recommendation sent by Shri Mungantiwar to GST council for exemption.

We are also working towards filing a PIL with Govt.of India to have greater transparency in the pricing of Ostomy products, especially the imported ones. We hope to make the ostomy products more affordable with GST exemption and now, price control norms. A pill taken by me since last 15 years cost me Rs.9/- in 2003, Rs.10/- in 2005, Rs.12/- in 2008 and today it costs me Rs.5.40. That’s the magic of DPC.

However GST exemption or PIL for DPC will take time as we need to offer facts & figures which Govt. can verify and act upon. It will happen, but we need to be patient, its is not something that can be categorized as instant gratification, its more of a slow & sustainable process and this time we are still groping in the dark for data.  To give an example, there have been close to 6.5k follow up patients coming to TMH year on year for the last 3 years, we don’t have details. We are working towards getting these details. We ideally wish to replicate this process in other hospitals as well, but private hospitals have politely declined. So we are running after Govt.hospitals. We shall keep you posted on its progress from time to time through our soon-to-be published quarterly newsletter.

With newer centres, we will need additional volunteers, we hope members will come forward to join in our efforts and help.

Last year you had approved free supply to poor & needy ostomates to the tune of Rs.5 lacs/pa, we would request for your approval to  enhance it to Rs.7.5 Lacs/pa for this fiscal. In fact the 5 lacs got completely exhausted by March 2017, so the EC sanctioned a sum of Rs.1.25 Lacs additional free supplies for the period Apr-Aug 2017. Please accord your sanction for this.

There are noteworthy  non-ostomates like persons like Dr.Garud, Mrs.Sparda Kothari , Mr.R.Awati who have shown rare dedication and commitment to the cause of Ostomates. As on date as an organisation, we are unable to honour them with Honorary membership for their continued service. I would request the AGM to give a in-principle approval for such  cases.

Before I end , let me take you through a presentation as to where we are, what we need to do and road map.

Thank you and best wishes

Uday M.Kerwar


Ostomy Association of India


Main Resolutions passed

  1. Minutes of previous AGM of 23/5/2016 were read out and approved by assembly
  2. The Financials of 2016-17 were read out with details and approved by assembly
  3. Statutory Auditors offered to continue for 2017-18 at an enhanced audit fee of Rs.30.000/- (inclusive of filing returns etc.) and was approved by the assembly
  4. The free supplies to poor & needy patients approved last year was for Rs.5 lacs/PA, this amount was fully utilised by 31/3/2017. The EC then recommended a sum of Rs.1.25 lacs addl. free supply for poor & needy patients from Apr 2017 to Aug 2017, which was also approved by assembly
  5. The free supply limit for 2017-18 increased to Rs.7.50 lacs/PA was also approved by assembly
  6. Managing committee mandated to open new centres & hold more camps
